How to Build a Better Boy Wiki

This is the list of admins, rollbacks and chat moderators of the How to Build a Better Boy Wiki. They make sure everything is in place and everything is running smoothly. If you need any help, feel free to message one of the admins.

Administrators and bureaucrats[]

Credits to the A.N.T. Farm Wiki for this table.
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ArianaGrandeForever is the founder of this wiki, if you need any help feel free to contact her. She has made most of the pages on the wiki and did lots of helpful things on the wiki as well. Active
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ArietteFans is an admin on this wiki, if you need any help or assistance feel free to contact her. Active
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Junatina is the newest admin on this wiki, the user makes new pages and adds new information, if you need any help feel free to contact the user. Active