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Bonjour, ladies!
—Nevaeh to Mae and Gabby
Nevaeh Barnes
Biographical information
Full Name
Nevaeh Barnes
March 16, 1997 (age: 16)

Physical Description
Hair Color
Dark Brown
Eye Color
Personal Information
Jaden Stark (Ex-Boyfriend)
being popular, Jaden, embarrassing Mae
Mae, Gabby, Mae's victories
Production Information
Portrayed By

Nevaeh Barnes is the main antagonist on How to Build a Better Boy. She is the most popular girl in school, who embarrasses Mae Hartley. She is portrayed by Ashley Argota.

Role in the film[]

Neveah is shown to be cruel, shallow and arrogant-just like the stereotypical mean girl. She enjoys humiliating people, especially Mae. Nevaeh is obsessed with becoming Homecoming Queen. She is the one who finds out Albert is a robotic super soldier, and tries to expose that to the crowd right after Mae is crowned Homecoming Queen. However, Jaden thwarts her every move, turning her warnings into compliments for Albert. Nevaeh is a popular cheerleader (presumably the captain) and is surrounded by a large mass of "adoring fans" at all times. She has a fondness for French words.


Mae Hartley[]

Mae and Nevaeh don't get along, she embarrasses Mae in front of the school about Jaden asking her to the dance and teases her about Albert being fake. When Mae is crowned Homecoming Queen, she is furious and exposes Mae's boyfriend Albert. Later, when Albert self-destructs and Mae drops her crown while attempting to avoid Albert's destructive path, Nevaeh steals the crown and says "(gasp) MINE!".

Gabby Harrison[]

They don't interact much, but she seems to hate her a little less than Mae, and she teases her best friend Mae but doesn't see anything bad with her.

Jaden Stark[]

Jaden is her ex-boyfriend, their relationship seemed to be one-sided and Jaden secretly doesn't like her and had feelings for Mae and at Homecoming, she says he needs to stop letting himself be pushed around and he says he would and breaks up with her.